I have lived most of life suffering from depression. I have been a victim of sexual abuse, eating disorders, and affairs. I have lived a lot of my life in a very deep, dark place which lead to two different attempts to end my life. I have three boys and I spent a lot of time laying on the couch and not joining in on activities with them and my husband. Each day was a struggle to wake up, take a shower, and get dressed...let alone go to work and try to take care of my family and home. I couldn't concentrate...I couldn't sleep...I avoided people I knew out in public because I didn't want to talk to anyone...I completely stopped LIVING. This affected my personal life as well as my professional life. In and out of therapy...on and off medications...I finally pulled myself together enough to realize that I was put here on this earth to LIVE my life...and I was NOT doing that.
I had lost HOPE for my life...
I felt ALONE...
I felt as though I was the ONLY one who was feeling this way...
I kept SECRETS...
I was ANGRY...
I was SAD...
Then...I found HOPE! Through counseling, praying, reading, talking to friends and family members, understanding mental health and depression, and finding out who I AM...I found HOPE! After all my dark days...I learned a very important lesson. I learned that there is NEVER a day that is too dark because of God's GRACE, LOVE, and HOPE he has for me. I know I will have some dark days ahead...however, I also know that I will make it through those days!
Why 'Wings of Hope?' ----There are so many people out there that are struggling with self image, relationships, depression, anxiety, loss of hope, and feeling alone...but I want you all to know that there is HOPE for EVERYONE! There are so many people that are willing and ready to help you through your dark days...you just have to REACH OUT and let them take your hand. It took me a long time to understand that...trust that...and believe that...but it is so TRUE!! You are never alone...even in your darkest moments. This has been a great experience for me as I begin this journey and spread HOPE, HEALING, and LOVE to our communities!
So, don't stop LIVING your life...EMBRACE each day...don't give up HOPE...and find your inner STRENGTH so you are in fact able to...
"LIVE each day as if it was your last"
'Each of us has but one wing, and we can only fly by EMBRACING one another'---reach out...hang on...and LIVE!
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