Please mark your calendar for October 25th! We request your presence at 7pm, Blue Sky in Spicer for an open meeting.
We have been working diligently, networking, and planning our mission to best serve our community. We have some very exciting projects and programs designed for the future, and we are looking forward to getting them under way.
To do so, we are looking to find others to join in our efforts and help spread Wings of Hope throughout our community. Without additional volunteers these goals cannot be realized. There are many areas of involvement to choose from. Not all of these projects or programs require long term commitments.
In this busy world it is hard for all of us to find time to help, and we understand this all too well. We believe wholeheartedly that if we all can do a LITTLE, we as a group can make a BIG difference!
Projects & Programs by Wings of Hope:
Partnerships with Local Organizations * Wings of Hope Lunch Accounts * Media Communications * Volunteering Activities * Fundraising * Mental Health Column * Partnership with the YMCA’s Mentorship Program * Fountains of Hope * Partnerships with NLS Schools * And MORE!
Committees: The following committee descriptions should help define the scope and responsibilities of the various committees of Wings of Hope. Each committee is expected to meet and/or communicate on a monthly basis, and work on six (or so) projects per year. Once the committees are formed, one member will be designated as the chairman, who will be responsible for coordinating the committee and its activities, as well as communicating its intentions to the Board of Directors.
Special Projects: The role of the Special Projects committee is to oversee the planning and implementation of projects and subcommittees that do not fall under the following categories. This currently includes the Fountains of Hope project, the NLS Lunch Accounts, and the Wings of Hope Banquet.
Education: The role of the education committee is to provide education about mental health, individual well-being, and community wellness to area organizations and the greater community.
Outreach: The role of the outreach committee is to provide outreach to individuals, area organizations, and populations of interest. Outreach may include mentoring and one-on-one interaction, group activities, and media communications. Projects already in place include the YMCA’s Lend a Hand partnership, and the partnership with Safe Avenues/Women’s Shelter.
Volunteering: The role of the volunteering committee is to identify, plan, and implement all volunteering efforts of Wings of Hope. This includes staying informed about community events, recruiting members from the general public to participate and coordinating all details of such activities.
Fundraising: The role of the fundraising committee is to identify, plan, and implement all fundraising efforts of Wings of Hope.
Marketing and Public Relations: The role of the Marketing and Public Relations committee is to identify, plan, and implement ways to market Wings of Hope. This includes all representation of the organization via the media and the internet.
Board of Directors openings:
The Secretary will attend all sessions of the Board of Directors. He will review the minutes recorded by the Administrative Assistant prior to distribution to absent members. In the absence of the Administrative Assistant, the Secretary will record the minutes. The Secretary will also give notice of all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. He will also have all management of product production.
The Director will manage all assembles of investors and donations, and all public advertising and event displays, assisting with the execution of the COO’s marketing, advertising and public relations. The Director will also manage the distribution of due appreciation and thank-you sentiments.
Administrative Assistant:
The Administrative Assistant (a non-voting position) will attend all meetings of the members and, if requested by the Secretary, the sessions of the Board of Directors. The AA will record votes and the minutes of the proceedings by audio recording or paper and transcribe the minutes to record by the next upcoming session.
Please consider joining us on October 25th! If that day doesn't work for you, and you would still like to be involved, please contact us at:, or call Ellie Otteson 320-905-4345 or Sara Lester 320-295-6471.
Yours truly,
Sara Lester
Wings of Hope
"Do good, feel good” is one of the great truths of happiness.
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