On one hand I have been lifted in God's work. I was blessed with kind words from those that heard "A sacrifice of Thanksgiving" in church. I'm excited about the new connections that have been made for Wings of Hope and I’m grateful for the work being done in the little grief group I attend. Along with a few other events and messages received this week that has me inspired to keep sharing and caring, to keep spreading hope and love.
But on the other hand is why the "Awe" needs to be in front of my "Inspiring" week. As I shared my feelings last week of insecurity and expressed how my grief has me humbled. I've found that one person very near and dear to my heart has not been experiencing me in this light. I'm not sure why or when this happened but I learned of this after I too easily shared my opinion. Alot of something that boiled down to just because we think it, doesn’t mean that we have to say it and this has fractured our relationship. When I spoke up, I knew that my opinion was going to sting but I also knew that WE’VE been doing that "slap of reality" FOR each other all our lives. With me now being seen differently in their eyes... I had no chance of contributing our “old way”. In fact I've been left dazed and confused with... is there a "new" way or is it now "no" way? I'd like to start a new paragraph and tell everyone how I have a happy ending to my story but I can’t. Besides, because this person is so important to me I would never long for an ending. All I can say is I'm sorry that you feel this way, nothing can or will affect the way I feel for you and I'm on my knees praying for God’s continued guidance.
The following is a message from Pastor Paul.
The Word for this week is: “our words”. Seems fitting for the spot I find myself.
Our prayer for this week is that we will think before we speak, and speak with wisdom when we do. Blessed is the Lord who beckons us to prayer. In Jesus name ~ Amen.
Scripture Text: Isaiah 50:4 Living Bible
“The Lord God has given me His words of wisdom so that I may know what to say.”
Imagine a world without words! They are so necessary for communication, essential for instruction, correction and coordination. They have an incredible, almost unequalled potential to heal or hurt. “The power of life and death is in the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21).
Could we ever imagine a world without unkind and unwise words? Wouldn’t that be a good change? Ever said something that later was wished would never have happened? Friends do that. Spouses do that. Brothers and sisters do that. Sons and daughters do that. Parents do that, and pastors and church people do that. We all can remember so many times that we have done just that, and regret every time we allowed ourselves to do so. Foolish words. In the heat of the moment. Out of frustration. Words of anger. Without thinking. Someone described it this way, “having their mouth in gear while their brain was still in neutral.” That is definitely not a good thing – for us or anyone else for that matter.
The Apostle Paul encouraged the believers at Ephesus to not only speak the truth, but to always “speak the truth in love . . . let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them” (Ephesians 4:15, 29). How can anyone successfully achieve that without depending on God to give them wisdom with their words? It is not only saying the right thing, but also saying it in the right way. Even at the right time. “A word fitly spoken . . .” (Proverbs 25:11).
“If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to control the whole body” (James 3:2) Mastering our words is a key to mastery in other areas of our personal lives. Wisdom is a filter through which we choose our words. Love is a filter through which we check our words. Consideration of others is a filter for our words. Just because we think it, doesn’t mean that we have to say it.
The best filters are these: will our words glorify God (Romans 15:6). Will our words edify the hearer (Philippians 4:6). Will our words testify of Jesus’ love and grace (Colossians 3:17). If our words can pass those tests, then we can be assured that “The God has given words of wisdom that we may know what to say.”
Final thoughts:
(*) When having a bad time with our tongue, repent, asking God and the one damaged to forgive us.
- Get back on track with a clean heart and spirit.
- Slow down. -- Think and pray over what a better way of expressing the concern might be, even postpone talking about the matter until a better understood wisdom and God’s heart in what needs to be said is found.
- Learn to put on the brakes in any situation immediately when the red light of the Spirit’s conviction starts to alert us of the unsettling danger that is most likely ahead. – A scheduled time to prepare for a difficult conversation is found to be very helpful.
- Learn the wisdom of not talking.
… Keep confidences, protect relationships, and walk in the freeing humility and clear spirit of a tongue in check.
… The Apostle Paul wrote to the church these words: “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6). -- “Seasoned with salt”, timely, balanced, life-giving, preserving, nourishing, desirable, relationship-building.
(*) Of Jesus they said: “No one ever spoke the way this man does” (John 7:46). -- May our patterns of speech emulate that of our Lord’s.
For those interested in receiving Pastor Paul's messages, please e-mail Pastor Paul (pastorpaul@willmarag.org) and mention you would like to be included.
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