But what if, what you think is right, the right way, the right time, is not how all people see things? Do you wait? Not start at all?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011 w/ Pastor Paul
Message: “What Are We Working For?”
What causes or helps us gain true success in life?
- When we work enthusiastically.
... Success then comes when we work with all our might.
- When we work with integrity (honestly).
... In our walk and work to become successful, not only do we work with all our might but we do so with a reputable result in all our labor.
- When we work skillfully.
... In other words, we are to be teachable in our endeavors throughout life. – Never come to the place where we feel we cannot learn something new.
- When we work efficiently (find time to work through significant and important things in life).
... Using wisdom and soundness in our procedures and practices in life constitutes success and brings successful conclusions even in the midst of weighty matters that will most definitely come our way.
- When we work cooperatively.
... Ecclesiastes 4:9‑10 “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!”
- When we work persistently.
... So, along with the excellent characteristics above (working enthusiastically, with integrity, skillfully, efficiently, and cooperatively) we are to work persistently, having a will and desire that won’t give up until the job or requirement is completed.
Here are three directional helps followed by three exercises for completion:
- Three ways to improve integrity...
... follow through
... show up
... admit mistakes
- Three things to help attach value to things...
... make a list
... set goals
... plan
- Three things to ask ourselves individually about working...
... Why are we working so hard?
... Is the pay off worth it?
... Why will it satisfy us?
For those interested in receiving Pastor Paul's messages, please e-mail Pastor Paul (pastorpaul@willmarag.org) and mention you would like to be included.
Success IS complicated. But if you do what's right, the right way, at the right time your hard work will reflect the feeling of success onto you. Success doesn't happen once in a lifetime rather it occurs over and over. Learn as you go and apply what you can. There is no such thing as perfect, keep that in mind and keep moving forward.
Our prayer for this week is Almighty God, Whose Hands hold all matters of life, give us grace of success in the work that we do. Help us to give it the careful thought and the strict attention that will lead to success. Watch over us and govern our actions, that we may not tarnish its perfection. Show us how to give our best, and let us not despise the labor that is necessary to complete it. Give us the blessing of Your help and guidance, and suffer us not to fail. In Jesus' name. ~Amen.
Sara Lester
Wings of Hope

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